At MetaKave we help you get responsive design. The new frontier of internet user trend is browsing the new via mobile or tab. People are using iphone, ipad, blackberry, samsung galaxy series and all kind of other affordable smart devices to access the internet. Now a days about 30% to 40% internet traffic are from smart devices such as mobile. This trend has got the business owners who primarily use website to sell their product and services thinking. People wants everything on the move. They do shopping on the go, they want to book a restaurant for the weekend while sitting at the train station on busy weekdays. For all of them, the website offering these services need to be responsive and smart device ready. MetaKave offers Responsive Web Design and make your site ready for Smart Devices.
Responsive design is a Web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience, easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). This has the characteristics of having fluid grid content, flexible image resizing, media queries for different styling for different screen sizes etc.
Smart device readiness basically mean the same thing. Whether your site is viewable with optimum user experience so that users can navigate it with ease, with all the important elements you want to show on your website on various smart device and variable screen sizes.
If the answer is No, then chances are you are losing visitors and you are losing potential customer, therefore revenue. Whatever service and product you wish to market to your visitors on the internet has to be now ready for every display, be it desktop, laptop, widescreen, tiny mobile screen, ipad view, iphone screen etc. We have done a number of projects where we have converted a static, unresponsive design into fluid and responsive designs.
If you have a project, no matter its a static HTML site, or custom coded PHP or made with Joomla, Worpdress, Magento, Drupal CMS, we are ready to transform it and make it responsive and smart device ready with affordable budget. Please fill out the form below to get a free quotation. Talk to you soon!
“Design must be functional and functionality must be translated into visual aesthetics, without any reliance on gimmicks that have to be explained.” — Ferdinand A. Porsche
Design Lead at AirBNB
“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while.” — Steve Jobs
Co-Founder Square
“I think design would be better if designers were much more skeptical about its applications. If you believe in the potency of your craft, where you choose to dole it out is not something to take lightly.” — Frank Chimero
Creative Director at Twitter